
Monday, May 20, 2013


This weekend was ridiculous in God! What an awesome time in the Holy Ghost! It had been so long that I experienced  that type of anointing, that I hadn't realized that the fire that was once resident in me was dormant and almost fizzled out. I thought I was in a good place but once I experienced the apostolic and the prophetic again, I remembered, my Spirit Man remembered and my baby leaped! I love it when God smears us with fresh oil! I am revived and refreshed and recharged and ready to carry out my mandate and purpose once again! There has been a strong, violent, disturbance (upheaval) in my life! I am not the same woman that I was last week and all because of being in the atmosphere of miracles once again! How I miss and long for the apostolic and prophetic in a continuous flow! The Lord will lead me to that place once again. Until then, I will maintain, protect, and guard with my life what I have received and will not let anyone, including me, or anything remove me from THIS place; KINGDOM!

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